What is ATAS?
ATAS is a trading platform that combines advanced volume and technical analysis tools. Traders can analyze historical data, conduct cluster and portfolio analysis, customize chart time frames, and leverage over 70 different indicators to develop unique and effective trading strategies.
ATAS not only aggregates exchange order flows but also presents all data in an intuitive and visually clear format within the charts. Unlike many other platforms on the market, ATAS offers extensive customization options and powerful filtering capabilities. The system analyzes Time & Sales order flows, Depth of Market order book, and high-frequency trading (HFT) activity.
Charts, Frames, and Comfortable Organization of the Workspace

Flexibility in Settings:
- Charts in the bar and line format
- Candlestick charts: traditional and transparent
- Cluster charts: 25 variations
- Freedom of frame selection
- Standard timeframes
- Various range types
- Renko bars
- Order flow charts
- Volume frames (ex. tick, Volume and Delta charts
- Historical data base: Contains detailed information about trades of more than 2,000 assets on more than 20 exchanges
- Drawing objects: Use a wide variety of instruments for marking the charts:
- Market profiles
- Shapes, lines, areas, channels and text marks
- Fibonacci retracements
- Ruler with statistics
Volume Analysis Indicators

Professional indicators are split into categories:
- For analyzing vertical volumes: BidAsk, Delta, and Volume
- For analyzing profiles (horizontal levels): Clusters, Profiles, and Levels
- For working with the flow of executed trades: Order Flow
- For classical technical analysis indication: Technical
- For developments through the fast API: Customized indicators
Volume Analysis Indicators Explanations:
- Big Trades: All big trades are clearly visible due to the Big Trades indicator and its wide functionality.
- Cluster Search: The Cluster Search indicator looks for the required clusters using a number of criteria both in the history and real time.
- DOM Levels: The DOM Levels indicator serves for showing those levels in the chart, where hyperactivity was noticed (big accumulations of limit orders).
- TPO and Profile: This is a universal solution for analyzing histograms of horizontal volumes and classical market profiles. It has 4 display modes, and you can select the one that suits your strategy the best.
- Dynamic Levels: This indicator reflects dynamics of the market profile in real time. It draws the lines, which reflect Point of Control and Value Area changes.
- Speed of Tape: This indicator reflects the trade execution speed in the form of a histogram. If activity accelerates, it is a signal of high probability that professionals are active in the market.
Liquidity And Order Flow Analysis

Smart Tape
The data are presented in the classical form with introduction of useful innovations:
- Tape speed indicator
- Buyer/seller aggression indicator
- Positive/negative price reaction indicator
- Single prints
- Non-spread trades
- Trade filtration
- Visual settings
- Templates
Smart DOM (Depth of Market)
- Track manipulations
- Detect strong levels
- Get confirmation for conducting trading operations
Trading in Atas
Trade fast and comfortably using:
- Trading chart panel with convenient order buttons
- Drag & drop orders directly on the chart
- Trading from the smart DOM
- Hot keys trading manager
- Portfolio trading
- Protective strategies: Reduce the human error risk by protecting open positions with automatically submitted stop and target orders and self-tightening trailing stops
- Algorithmic trading bots: Trading strategies can be automated due to the fast ATAS API
- ATAS simulation server: Check trading ideas and bots using the built-in ATAS Sim account
- Trading Statistics: Use data from the Statistics section to assess progress, eliminate errors, and achieve stability in trading.
- Flexible Settings: Offers extensive customization options, allowing alerts, news feeds, time zones, language, color themes, workspaces, layout settings, templates, and window management to be tailored according to individual preferences.