OTC Products
In partnership with Boos Investment SARL, a Foreign Investment Broker (FIB), Balfour Capital Group provides OTC commodity solutions specifically tailored to meet the needs of our commercial clients. Our OTC strategies offer potential margin relief and are customized to help our clients achieve their hedging objectives. With flexibility in quantities, tenors, start dates, expiry dates, barriers, strikes, digital payoffs, and other contract terms, we can craft a hedge that aligns perfectly with our clients’ physical risk exposure.
Over the counter (OTC) Structured Products
- Customized Swaps
- Vanilla Swaps
- Producer Accumulators
- Old Crop/ New Crop Guaranteed Quality
- Long and Short Dated Options
- Consumer Accumulators
- Barrier Options
- Flex Floored Advantage
- FX Forwards
Over the counter (OTC) Commodities
- Grains: Corn, Wheat, Soybeans, Soymeal, Soybean oil
- Softs: Sugar, Coffee, Cocoa, Cotton, Frozen Orange Juice
- Energies: Crude oil, Brent, RBOB, Heating Oil
- Base Metals: Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Nickel, Zinc
- Precious Metals: Gold, Silver, Platinum, Palladium
- Meats: Lean Hogs, Live Cattle
- Foreign Exchange: Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar
- Dairy: Class III & IV Milk, Butter, Cheese, Dry Whey, Nonfat Dry Milk
Disclaimer: We only offer these products to clients which are Eligible Contract Participants (ECP)